New Moon in Pisces - March 2021

Tarot reading + astrology for the coming moon cycle

Decks: Sharman-Castelli Tarot and my own Rock Star Oracle

This New moon carries intense Pisces energy, with Venus, Neptune, and the Sun clustered together with the moon in this sign. It is born in a watery dreamworld, field by fantastic visions of harmony and beauty. As the moon grows, we may discover parts of ourselves we did not even know existed. There may be a new understanding of shared values and how we see ourselves in the world.

This is the “Worm Moon” and ushers in a time of fertile growth. During this moon cycle, a new seasonal year will begin with the onset of Spring. This corresponds to the movement of the Sun into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and a symbolic new beginning. The energy of collective knowledge fuels this year’s cycle, as we learn to incorporate the lessons of the past year into our personal and, in turn, social lives.


written for the collective and informed by social justice

Our situation: Hierophant (rev)

The positives and negatives of our situation: The Devil

Events of the immediate past: Two of Pentacles

Events of the near future: The Moon (rev)

What do we consciously want: Six of Cups

What do we subconsciously desire: Ace of Swords

Our energy: Three of Swords

Others’ energy: Four of Swords (rev)

Advice from Spirit: Five of Pentacles (rev)

Likely outcome: Knight of Pentacles

Oracle: Look Beyond Your Boundaries

We are rebelling against traditional ideas of religion, faith, and spirituality. There is a disconnect between existing traditions and values and new ideas that are coming into being.

We are torn between the comfort of our captivity and the discomfort of freedom. We walk a fine line between dancing with our demons and allowing them to run the show. At the same time, there is no benefit to be gained by ignoring these shadows altogether. We must learn to integrate all parts of the human experience in a path toward unity.

We have been juggling material resources, learning to use what we have been given. Without an influx of new beginnings, we have been resourceful, digging deep into our storehouse of knowledge and experience to make it through a difficult and long winter.

We are heading into a time of deep self-reflection, inner exploration, and shadow work that relates to our role in the collective. Much of the fear and trepidation that was present at the end of last year has dissipated and we experience a renewal of hope. The “light at the end of the tunnel” now shines brightly and we want to ensure it’s warmth reaches and sustains everyone.

We are hungry for nostalgia, we crave the comfort of the past, we hope that moving forward there will be some shreds of “the way things were.” There is still a lot of grief about the loss of normality that was brought about a year ago. Whether we feel good about the changes that ensued or not, there is still grieving to be done for all that has changed.

At the same time, we are more aware of the racism, classism, and other oppressive structures that have been once again highlighted as a result of our overall societal disruption. We desire a clean break from the past, but not one that forgets what we have learned. We want a new concept of being. A new beginning.

We are heartbroken in many ways by the lack of collective compassion. We are torn by the lack of empathy displayed by so many in our society and even across the globe. We hold a tremendous amount of grief for all that has been lost over the past year, both in lives and in a sense of stability. Even if we believe these changes are for the best, even if we have personally benefited from the current circumstances, there is still overall grief and adjustment to the massive change and loss.

Society overall, and perhaps even people in our own lives, still may not understand or believe the full implications of the pandemic. There are many defenses that shield people from the truth. Defense mechanisms that people use to keep the abyss at bay. But the darkness still exists, and it is necessary to stop and deal with the reality of our situation if we are to heal and move forward as a society and even as a species.

Our guides remind us that it is not helpful to act like a martyr or to hold a mindset of fear or scarcity. It can seem like there are not enough people working for social change or that there are not enough hours in the day or resources available to bring about desired change. It may be more helpful, however, to keep our eye on those things we are doing to create change, to heal ourselves, to learn about and act in service of anti-racism. There is no wrong way to travel our spiritual journey or exist in this lifetime. We are reminded that life is in many ways what we make it, and if we focus only on the problems we may lose sight of the actual solution.

We are on the cusp of a change in fortune, a prosperous new beginning. The new ideas we have planted send up promising new shoots. Despite our loss, opportunities for growth are on the horizon. It is up to us to use these emerging opportunities and a respectful and social responsible way.

Oracle: Leonard Cohen / Transcend

“Look Beyond Your Boundaries”

This is a time to abandon whatever is not serving you or acting in your best interest. Use the knowledge you gain from introspection and insight to fuel your decisions. Do not feel that you have to conform to old versions of yourself or to traditional ways of doing things, especially if they no longer suit your needs and desires.


Ongoing Transits:

1/13-6/28 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

This ongoing transit challenges our relationship to group values and dynamics, and the structures that keep them together. New, practical realities emerge, but not without the destruction or dissolution of outdated ways of being

2/28-4/22 Sun Conjunct Venus in Pisces

During this transit we may gain some insight into our collective values. We begin to shape our ideas and emotions into action. As spring approaches so does our shared hope for a better future founded not on love and light but on purposeful, concrete plans for change. The roots of revolution begin to flower; results of invisible underground work are now seen on the surface.

3/3-3/19 Sun Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

During this transit, we have insight into new information. Secrets may be revealed. We may have insight into parts of ourselves previously unknown. We may learn to communicate in a brand new way.

3/5 - 4/6 Mars Trine Saturn

We may move forward in a structured way, perhaps a job promotion or some other traditional hierarchical ascent. Movement within and around existing structures has more fiery and intense energy during this time.

New Transits:

3/15 Mercury enters Pisces

We see the connection between dreams and, not necessarily reality, but the symbols we use to construct reality. The subconscious is seen, discussed, and recognized. We disconnect from established structures of language and time. The “time changes” we are magically gifted another hour in the day, emphasizing the constructed reality of time itself. the time only changes because we collectively agree it to be so.

3/16 - 3/31 Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini

We may have the energy to speak what has been long suppressed. There may be an urge to change or disrupt aspects of the immediate environment in order for personal growth to occur. This growth may be based on dreamlike or deep personal visions. We may have the urge to communicate but be unable to, or our message may be misunderstood, perhaps based on lack of context.

3/20 Sun enters Aries / Spring equinox

This is the midpoint between the solstices, and it carries the energy of new beginnings. With the sun moving into Aries, we carry our lessons from the collective and allow them to fuel individual action. The last year has shown us how individualism, or thinking exclusively of our personal well being, is not a sustainable or desirable worldview when viewed through the lens of social justice. We now have a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we might show up in this new season.

3/21 Venus enters Aries

We move from dreaming about our values to connecting them to individual action. We see how our ego may or may not bring our dreams to life. Where can we help ourselves, and where are we getting in our own way? Don’t let the fiery energy of spring project you too far off course. Are you acting for the common good or for personal glory?

3/28 Full Moon in Libra

This full moon turns our eye toward a just and equitable recovery as we begin to “return to normal” and there is a strong desire to ensure that social justice is not forgotten as we begin to emerge from a long slumber.

3/28 – 5/6 Mars trine Jupiter

Expansive fiery energy will flow from Jupiter to Mars as it transits from Gemini to Cancer during these several weeks.

3/28 – 4/23 Mars square Neptune

We may be more concerned with our ego than with the collective good during this time, or at least feel a conflicting energy between the two.



In This New World


SNOW MOON PHOTOS (2/12-3/12/21)