Unlocking Creative Flow for Mani Gens
How divination unlocks creative flow for manifesting generators.
As a Manifesting Generator, I am designed to respond to the world around me. I’m also Quad Right in my variables, making planning, schedules, and structure difficult for me to navigate. I’m at my best when I open myself up to be in flow with the universe, responding to invitations to act as they appear and align with my Sacral Authority.
One tool I’ve discovered that helps me get in tune with the energy of the moment is divination. Divination is the practice of seeking insight, guidance, or understanding through symbolic or intuitive means. It’s a way of connecting with the divine energy of the universe or, alternatively, with our own higher consciousness—our inner knowing. Divination can be done with a variety of tools, from tea leaves to tarot cards, and many cultures have their own unique methods of connecting with this unseen energy.
Whenever I am stuck on a project or having trouble making a decision, I turn to my tarot and oracle cards.
Drawing a card from one of my decks gives me something external to respond to, unlocking the creative potential of my design. Instead of responding solely to my own ideas or imagination (which can lead to frustration), I’ve been given an external stimulus—a prompt—that activates my energy and focus.
Let’s say, for example, that I’m already excited about the idea of working on a new collage but have no clue which direction to take in terms of art and design. I turn to my tarot deck, ask it for guidance on starting a new collage project, shuffle, and pull a card.
Today, I pulled the Ace of Swords from the Spirit Garden Tarot, representing insight, inspiration, and new ideas. (Of course, the tarot gives me the concept of "new ideas" when I ask for an idea—very meta, lol).
The best way to move forward in this creative energy is to use my intuition, which is a key aspect of divination. Some ideas that immediately emerge from this card are creating a collage piece with a fresh, innovative design or something that inspires people to think outside the box or indulge in new insights.
How does this translate into action? I might choose to work in a new style with my collage—using a hole punch instead of tearing paper, limiting my color palette, or experimenting with tiny-scale collages instead of my usual size. The ways your authority responds to stimuli are endless, but reacting to the Ace of Swords card gives me a clear signal: this is a time to try something new in my craft.
I might also take the message literally and decide to create an art piece with the theme of creative inspiration. This could manifest as an oracle deck of creative prompts or a series of collage greeting cards with uplifting, thought-provoking messages.
Once you set up a system in which you are regularly presenting yourself with something external to respond to—such as a tarot or oracle card—you can jump-start your creative cycle by allowing your authority to guide the way.
Instead of feeling frustrated by trying to force ideas that feel “interesting” but don’t spark energy, you’re responding to a prompt “from the universe.” This can lead to flow and satisfaction, hallmarks of the Manifesting Generator experience.
When you’re a Manifesting Generator, your greatest power lies in responding to the world around you—and divination can be a beautiful way to activate this flow.
Whether you’re seeking clarity for a project or inspiration for your next creative breakthrough, pulling a card can spark the alignment you need to take action. So the next time you’re stuck, consider inviting the wisdom of the universe to guide your response. Who knows what kind of magic you’ll create?
Have you ever used tarot or oracle cards to guide your creativity? I'd love to hear how it worked for you!