Divination: Week of 4/18/22

Cards for the week:
George Clinton - Expansion & The Hierophant

In the halo the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, as the full moon begins to wane, this week’s message comes straight from the Mothership Connection. The Expansion card beings us the energy of George Clinton and the powerful message of Funkadelic: Free Your Mind... And Your Ass Will Follow. Let the waning moon release what no longer serves you; those tightly held beliefs that you have realized are no longer true and no longer need to be so rigidly protected. This is not a time for black and white thinking, or for adhering blindly to traditions of the past hoping they will create a new future. Instead, we are given the chance to embark on a fantastic voyage on the wave of Jupiter’s expansion, sailing beyond our known limits to Neptune’s dreamy world of imagination. Allow space for the strange, the wonderful, and the weird to enter your reality.

This message is so integral to the power of this Oracle deck that I printed it on the liner of the card box. If you’ve never danced your ass (or any body part or even article of clothing) off to some funk, there is literally no better time. Release your inhibitions and allow yourself to experience the magick of the music.

Decks Used: Rock Star Oracle and the Sharman-Caselli Tarot


Mercury in Taurus - The Power of Language


TBT: Music and Identity