Reading: Full Moon in Aquarius

Collective reading for the new moon in Aquarius:

EMBRACE: Six of Cups (rev) / Balance

Memories of the way things used to be may bring up painful emotions during this lunation. Instead of turning away, consider embracing the melancholy and examining what is revealed in these feelings under the light of the full moon. There is a time for all things, including thoughtful reflection as a tool for healing. It is also important to realize that all we have is now. Look back, but do not let yourself drown in the pool of memory. As Joni so eloquently wrote: “We're captive on the carousel of time / We can't return, we can only look / Behind, from where we came / And go round and round and round, in the circle game.”

RELEASE: Judgement / Vacation

As summer draws to a close, we are inundated with photos and tales of friends, family, and other folks enjoying leisure time. Don’t let yourself get caught up in comparison or jealousy. Judging how others spend their time will not help you make the most of your own. Take charge of what you can control and do not lament what is beyond your grasp. Release the expectation that vacation has to look a certain way or encompass specific activities. Even if you can’t get away from the daily grind, find ways to incorporate joy and relaxation into your everyday routine.

ACCEPT: Four of Swords (rev) / Fun

You may be locked in the mindset that “fun” equates to “frivolity” but this full moon invites you to see things from a different perspective. Taking time to enjoy yourself, be it watching a favorite movie (may I suggest Pee-wee’s Big Adventure?) blowing soap bubbles in the backyard, or simply walking barefoot in the grass, is a crucial part of self care. Rest does not mean you have to spend the whole day in bed. It can also look like nurturing your inner child in a way that brings you joy and rejuvenation. Accept that it’s OK to look a little silly sometimes, and let the weird and wonderful be your guide.

Decks: Wild Life Tarot and Summer Solstice Oracle


Divination: Week of 8/7/23


The Loner, The Rebel, The Muse