New Moon in Sagittarius

Collective reading for the New Moon in Sagittarius 12/12/23.

Where do I need to pay closer attention to details?

Six of Wands + Ask

It’s a good time to find out what exactly makes other people around you feel loved, supported and celebrated. Grand gestures are fine, but what about the little things? How do they take their coffee or tea? Where is their favorite place to walk outdoors? How many pillows do they like on the bed? What condiments do they love? These may seem like trivial matters, but paying attention to the details lets you show your love thorough practices that are minor and mundane. And in the end, it’s these small pleasures that make up a life well lived, so celebrate the small things this season.

How can I cultivate patience when it is needed?

Seven of Wands (rev) + Intuit

Know when it’s time to call it quits before things start to go downhill. Sagittarius energy can have us rushing headlong into what seems like an exciting new adventure. Along the way, it may become clear that you have taken a wrong turn or put too many eggs in one basket. Do not be afraid to draw back, retrace your steps, or retreat to safer waters. This is not the time to be a martyr and go down with the ship. Play it safe when you start to sense that the risks outweigh the rewards.

Where is it OK to forge ahead with excitement?

King of Wands + Feel

On the other hand, when it feels right this is a great time to forge ahead. Trust your intuition, and when things seem in alignment it’s a good time to take what might seem like a risky leap forward. Our affirmation for this month is “I prance into the unknown.” When we enter into something new, or when the stakes are hard to know in advance, we must reply on our feeling and intuition to guide us. As long as you feel good about the situation, signs indicate it is smooth sailing ahead.

What did I learn this moon cycle?

Seven of Swords (rev) + Ignite

This moon cycle may have brought some harsh lessons about honesty and integrity. Being less than transparent, or trying to get by with something in a shady way, may have ignited controversy or sown discord in your community. Do your best to implement damage control. You cannot change the past, but you can learn from your mistakes and vow to be more open and forthright in the future.

What seeds are ready to plant?

Five of Pentacles (rev) + Dare

It’s time to release feelings of scarcity and trust that universe has your back in creating an abundant life. In order to get where you want to be, however, you must be willing to take some risk. This does not have to be dangerous or life altering, but you need to get out of your comfort zone and change your mindset from one of recession to one of expansion. How can you take even the smallest step toward your dreams? How can you shift your perspective from fear toward gratitude? Dare to dream big and be vulnerable so that you can shift the energy of your current circumstance.

How can I cultivate hope and optimism?

Nine of Cups + Hold

A practice of gratitude for what you have will help you to increase joy an optimism this month. The holiday season can be quite stressful, with pressure to get it right in terms of gifting, hosting, and recognizing those you love in a special way. The stress can make maintaining a positive outlook feel impossible. A strong message of this full moon is to focus on what you already possess that brings you joy, and in doing so you open yourself up to the possibility to receive even more abundance in your life. Allow yourself to be cared for and celebrated as much as you desire to tend to others, and hold fast to the things you find precious that cannot be bought, sold, or given away.

Decks used: Wild Life Tarot and the Astro-Elemental Oracle.

Use this spread to explore the energy of this new moon and harness it to direct your own time and resources to their best advantage.




9:16 (a poem)