Divination: Week of 5/2/22

Five of Pentacles / Slow Down

This week, in the wake of a partial eclipse in Taurus and in the halo of an upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, we may feel a sense of unrest and of being unsettled. One cycle has come to a close and another has begun, with its early stages of understanding just beginning to unfold. Venus, the planet of love and values, leaves Pisces today and moves into Aries, a fiery and active energy to our romantic daydreams. 

This week we may feel a sense of scarcity, we may see those things we feel we lack, coupled with a simultaneous strong and pressing desire to define what feels out of place and fill the void or make things firmly settled once again. 

Instead of making rushed decisions or taking urgent action, the energy of an eclipse and retrograde season is much more oriented toward slowing down and going inward - reflect on your current situation, tend to ongoing projects that bring you comfort, initiate any changes in a slow and deliberate, Taurus-like way. At the same time, if something feels intuitively like a sure bet, don’t hold back out of fear. 

The idea here is not to maneuver things to fall into place to alleviate any discomfort we may have with a state of uncertainty. Let things unfold as they will, and be an active observer of your life during this time. You may find that things work themselves out without you needing to rush or force any action at all.

Deck: Sharman-Caselli Tarot and my Air Mail Oracle


Weird Science Oracle: Work in Progress


Mercury in Taurus - The Power of Language