Spring Equinox Oracle

A deck for the Spring Equinox

This 50-card oracle deck is focused on the theme of spring equinox as experienced in the Northern Hemisphere. The deck is non-denominational and includes broad symbols of spring and the seasonal holidays, such as egg, nest, garden, valentine, tulip, rabbit, sunrise, and more! I pulled from multiple holiday celebrations such as Valentine's Day, Imbolc, Lupercalia, St. Patrick's Day, Ostara, and Easter.

Each card features a symbol of the season, along with the title of the image and an association. The background of each card is a different pastel shade that give the deck a bright, light, springtime vibe.

It's a whimsical deck with a variety of uses. It can be a stand alone oracle deck or it can compliment other oracle or tarot decks in a reading.

You can download a free digital guidebook below.

The 50 cards are a standard Tarot deck size (2.75 x 4.75 inch) professionally printed on high quality card stock with a protective UV coating. They feel smooth and light in your hands and shuffle easily.

The deck comes with a cloth pouch to protect and store your cards (colors will vary).

Spring Equinox Oracle
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The Cards

basket: abundance

bee: action

travel: adventure

blossom: affection

robin: ambition

rainbow: awe

equinox: balance

sunrise: beauty

egg: birth

berries: celebration

blue sky: clarity

broom: cleanse

paint: creativity

lamb: curiosity

chocolate: delight

sapling: endurance

buds: energy

tadpole: evolution

clover: faith

rabbit: fertility

narcissus: fragrance

cupcake: friendship

grass: happiness

nest: home

sweethearts: hope

dragonfly: imagination

duckling: independence

fawn: innocence

pollen: irritation

seedling: life

ladybug: luck

pond: mutability

picnic: nourishment

chick: opportunity

waterfall: overwhelm

puddle: play

seeds: potential

hat: protection

tulip: renewal

mud: resistance

garden: responsibility

rain: revival

watering can: routine

bull: strength

peas: sweetness

butterfly: transformation

bicycle: travel

valentine: true love

kite: uncertainty

spade: work

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