Divination Week 0f 1/23 - 1/29/23

It’s no surprise the the King of Wands makes an appearance this week, as we move out of a Mercury Retrograde period and kick off Aquarius season. The King of Wands is, like Aquarius, ruled by air energy. It is associated with the sign of Libra and with justice.

On Thursday, Venus moves into the watery sign of Pisces. We drift between our own dreams and those of the collective consciousness.

When we think of justice and values, we often go directly to the imaginary ideal, where every body is cared for an treaded with equal respect, dignity, and access to resources. Dreaming of a just and peaceful world is certainly not a waste of time — how will we achieve a better future if we cannot envision it?

Yet, as we look around in real life, at the circumstances in which we find ourselves and the state of the world, we seem so far from this ideal. And this dissonance between where we are and where we want to be (or think we should be) causes frustration, sorrow, depression, and anxiety. Not to mention very real conditions of oppression that have a significant impact on humanity.

The message this week is one of negotiating our needs. Of seeking balance between perfection and action, between ourselves and the collective, between fantasy and reality. Just because things are not perfect does not mean that progress cannot be made. Instead of focusing on how far we have to go, instead look for the streams and eddies of goodness that flow around you.

Increase that stream of real, grounding positivity, for it is from the joy, hope, imagination and strength that we find in the mundane that we draw the courage to continue. We may not be able to effect change on a large scale by ourselves, but we can all be that small ripple in a pond that contributes to a larger wave of energy.

Decks used: Sharman Caselli Tarot and my AI Dreams Oracle.


Divination Week of 2/6 - 2/12/23


Astral Travel: A Series