Divination: Week of 7/24/23

Collective reading for the week of 7/24/23 featuring the Wild Life Tarot and the Animal Affirmation Oracle.

Focus on:

Magician (rev) + There’s no need to seek perfection

You have the power to achieve your goals if you do not fall victim to perfectionism. There is more than one way to get things done, and if you spend too long searching for the “right” technique, you will never get started and make any progress on what you hope to achieve. Mistakes are part of the process and can be an important tool for learning. The time to start is now — jump in and appreciate the messy, chaotic, imperfect nature of creation.


Page of Pentacles (rev) + Failure is a necessary part of success

You may be waiting for things to become more stable before you move forward. You may also be stuck in the hope that someone will come along with a “magic bullet” that will save you from your current circumstances. Things may not be ideal right now, but that does not mean that you can wait forever. Some action must be taken despite your lack of knowledge or certainty about next steps. Make the best decision you can given the information and resources at hand. Pay attention to what is working and what might need to be revised or abandoned. You can always course correct down the road, or reevaluate and change your mind if things no longer seem to be moving in the right direction.

Advice from Spirit:

Ace of Wands + Your perspective has value

You are not giving yourself enough credit for your own good ideas. Instead of seeking answers outside yourself, trust your own knowledge, wisdom, and intuition. There are folks who claim to be experts in your field who, in reality, have no more training or experience then you do in the matter. Don’t fall victim to imposter syndrome, feeling like you are not good enough to share your truth. It’s time to jump into the arena and let your light shine.


The Loner, The Rebel, The Muse


The Animal Affirmation Oracle