Full Moon in Aquarius

How can I benefit from an unconventional approach?

Eight of Cups (rev): Renewal + Houses

It might be time to take a break and get some rest. You may feel resistant, thinking that there is simply too much to do to slow down now. But signs point to your cup being empty, and you must take time to renew in order to move forward at a steady pace. In dreams, a home or other building may represent our own physical body. What part of your dwelling is in need of some TLC?

How can I embrace my unique self?

Ten of Cups (rev): Fulfillment + Jewelry

There is something keeping you from fully expressing your true self. These limitation are causing you to feel unfulfilled. In dreams, jewelry may be a symbol of our inner selves and the desire for authentic self-expression. How would you like to adorn your life in ways that feel expansive and exciting? By exploring what makes you feel a spark of joy, you may deepen your understanding of what you want and need.

What is ready to be released?

Two of Pentacles: Balance + Ships

Release any fear you may have about managing or balancing your resources. Feel comfortable taking some risk with the confident knowledge that you can navigate rough seas. There may be challenges ahead, but you have the ability to chart a course that allows you relatively smooth sailing. As you continue on your journey, you will grow increasingly skilled and trusting in your own ability.

How can I feel more connected in my relationships?

Two of Cups: Partnership + Rainbows

Accepting diversity in all its forms is the key to connection. The wide range of human experience is one of the wonders of life. We all have something unique and valuable to bring to the table. Seek out and honor differences in your community and partnerships. Considering a range of perspectives may provide you with a richer connection to the broad range of different people in your life.

What role does technology play in my plans?

Hierophant (rev): Tradition + Angels

Allow innovation to enhance your spiritual and intuitive life. Technology is more than just social media. It can be an app you use to meditate, the step tracker on your wrist, or even the keyboard you use to type out a journal entry each day. Consider the many ways that technology allows you to deepen your self-care and spiritual practice. There is an opportunity to increase divine connection by approaching your practice in an innovative way.

How can I foster an open-minded attitude?

King of Swords (rev): Logic + Airplanes

In dreams, airplanes can symbolize a desire for freedom and progress. You may be getting stuck in an old way of thinking, a way of considering the world that is causing friction for you. You have outgrown some of your old beliefs, and are invited to see things in a new and more modern light. Your way of thinking is not necessarily wrong, but it is limiting your ability to gain a greater understanding of the issue on a larger scale.


New Moon in Leo