New Moon in Leo

How can I identify and leverage my strengths?

Three of Hearts + Ingenuity

Consider a time in the past when you suffered a significant disappointment. How did you overcome your sense of heartbreak and despair? The resilience you have developed through challenges such as these has strengthened your ability to weather future storms. You have grown sturdier and are more able to avoid situations that you know will not turn out in your favor.

What opportunities are there for me to practice leadership?

Seven of Wands (rev) + Friendship

Within your friend group, there may be conflict brewing. Perhaps someone thought they were just joking around, but hurt feelings were the result. You are in a position to act as a mediator. You can see the bigger picture and can therefore take responsibility for clearing up the confusion that is causing bad feelings on both sides. Practicing diplomacy may prevent further escalation.

How can I cultivate a sense of fun and play?

Five of Cups (rev) + Harmony

In order to engage in play, you must be willing to be silly and loosen up. It’s okay to do something that makes you look weird or foolish in the name of having fun. Make peace with being silly, and allow yourself to indulge in activities that you take pleasure in no matter your age. Think about the things you enjoyed doing as a child, and consider ways to incorporate that sense of fun and freedom into your life today.

What will help me tap into my authenticity?

Ace of Wands (rev) + Commitment

Your advice here is to stick to your ideas and follow them through to completion in order to feel aligned. You have many good ideas, but may feel disappointed in yourself because you keep switching from one thing to another. It is definitely fine to have many irons in the fire, just be sure to have a plan in place to finish the job in each of your endeavors or be ready to quit and walk away completely. You will only frustrate yourself by leaving loose ends.

How might I best focus on personal growth?

The Chariot + Decadence

You are the driver in the chariot of your life, and you are responsible for keeping your cart on the path to success. You must be careful not to drive so slowly that you can’t keep up with the pace of life, or rush so fast that you careen carelessly into danger. You must be cautious, yet willing to take some risks. In finding this balance, you are reminded that being too cautious can be just as detrimental as not being careful enough.

How can I be more creative?

Queen of Cups + Elegance

Creativity comes in many forms. It can be found in the way we solve problems, express emotions, or even in the way we dress. Embracing your authentic personal style is a beautiful and expressive form of creativity, showcasing individuality and personal flair. Decorating your home, cooking, and working in your garden are also a few of the fulfilling ways to express your creativity with the taste and elegance of the Queen of Cups.


Full Moon in Aquarius


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