Tarot Tip #2: Practice Regularly

Part of a series of articles with tips for beginning tarot readers and other emerging mystics wishing to practice the art of divination.

Tip #2: Practice Regularly

One of the best strategies to improve your divination skills and learn the intricacies of tarot is regular practice. Spending time with the cards by daily journaling, using special spreads, or reading for others are all ways to deepen card reading skills. Here are some advantages of regular practice for tarot and oracle card readers.

Familiarity with the Cards:

Regular practice allows you to become intimately familiar with each card in the tarot deck. This familiarity is essential for interpreting the cards accurately and understanding their nuanced meanings. Before long, you will have a deep and intuitive understanding of each card in the major and minor arcana.

Developing Intuition:

Divination is not just about memorizing card meanings; it also involves tapping into your intuition. Regular practice helps you hone your intuitive abilities, making it easier for you to interpret the cards in a way that resonates with your unique insights. Everyone has a slightly different relationship to their deck, and regular practice with the cards will help you provide intuitive insights about the cards that are unique to your style of reading.

Building Confidence:

The more you practice, the more confident you become in your abilities. Confidence is crucial for delivering readings with conviction and clarity. It also helps you trust your intuitive impressions and convey them to your clients more effectively. As your confidence increases, you will also extend the range of your skills, knowledge, and techniques for reading.

Enhancing Storytelling Skills:

One important strategy for successful divination involves weaving a narrative from the cards. Regular practice allows you to improve your storytelling skills. You will be able to see a cohesive narrative emerge from your card pulls, making your readings more engaging and coherent.

Understanding Card Combinations:

Multiple tarot or oracle cards create unique meanings when combined in a spread. Regular practice gives you more experience in recognizing how different cards interact and form complex narratives. Soon, you will have an enhanced personal understanding of the story held in each card spread, enabling you to provide more insightful and comprehensive readings.

Staying Open-Minded:

Regular practice encourages an open-minded approach to the tarot. Working with your cards regularly keeps your practice fresh and helps you remain receptive to new insights and interpretation. Since you are constantly seeing new applications and receiving new messages from the cards, regular practice can prevent you from becoming rigid and stale in your reading style.

Adapting to Different Spreads:

Tarot readers often use different spreads for various questions or situations. Regular practice enables you to become proficient in a variety of spreads, allowing you to adapt to different client needs. You will have an increased range of spreads in your divination toolkit, and will even be able to make up spreads on the spot to suit you or your client’s needs.

Tracking Progress:

Regular practice allows you to track your progress as a tarot reader. You can reflect on your earlier readings, observe how your interpretations have evolved, and identify areas for improvement. One way to help keep track of how your skills have grown is to keep a tarot journal and regularly record your interpretations and readings for yourself and others. Not only will you have a catalog of possible card interpretations, but you will be able to look back on how you have grown and changed as a card reader.

Spending time reading and interpreting cards is the key to becoming a skilled and confident tarot reader. It's not only about memorizing card meanings but also about developing intuition, storytelling abilities, and a deep relationship with the cards. Plus, practice if fun and allows you to deepen your skills while engaging in a fulfilling and motivating pastime with a special spiritual connection.


New Moon in Capricorn


Tarot Tip #1: Connect With Your Cards