New Moon in Capricorn

What intentions feel manageable right now?

Four of Cups + Give Your All

It’s a good time to turn you attention away from your failures or disappointments and focus on new opportunities. Some helpful intentions at this time might be to focus on the positive, practice gratitude, engage in encouraging self-talk, or practice simple self-care. Whatever you choose to focus on, give it your best effort. Don't fall victim to perfectionism — consider that whatever effort you are able to give is the correct amount for the situation.

What habits will help me feel successful?

The Magician + Seek Truth

Use the tools at your disposal to get to the bottom of what you really need and how you really want to feel. Be honest with yourself. Consider a habit tracker, a journal, a fitness device, or a food log to help you reflect on what you are really doing (or not doing) in terms of your intentions. Being honest with yourself will help you align your actions with your intentions and create a greater sense of accomplishment.

How can I balance self-care and ambition?

King of Pentacles + Shine Bright

Do what you do best and consider that as your contribution to the world. Don’t try to become something you are not just to fit into someone else’s idea of success. You know what you are good at and what makes you feel capable and strong. Stick to those skills and abilities, be true to yourself, and you will achieve greatness without it feeling like exhausting work.

How might I be pushing myself too hard?

Nine of Swords (rev) + Ask Questions

You are caught in a web of anxiety, running a situation over and over in your head in search of an answer that will not come. You are seeking to solve a problem that is either not yours to solve, or that does not have a solution at this time. Recognize that some aspects of the situation are out of your control. Give yourself the grace and release the desire for resolution. You are not responsible for fixing all the ills of the world. Try to identify concrete steps you can take toward a solution and focus on taking action on the thing instead of overthinking it.

What will help me realize my full potential?

Three of Wands + Start Over

You may have some to a plateau in terms of your skills and creative energy. Your hard work has paid off and led you to a degree of success. In order to reach the next level of your ability, you need to take a different course. Take in some new stimuli, start a new project, or consider a class or workshop. It’s time for a new beginning and a new journey of skill and development. Trying something new will help increase the tools you have available to create a great impact on the world.

How can I be a leader in my community?

The Lovers + Keep Going

Deepen your relationships and partnerships in order to be in service to your community. There are people in your circle who already look up to and trust you. Focus on developing and maintaining these connections. Through these partnerships, you will naturally help others achieve their goals and have a positive influence on those you care the most about.

Decks Used: The Wild Life Tarot and the Air Mail Oracle.

Use this spread to dive deeper in your personal journey during this moon cycle:


The Structure of a House


Tarot Tip #2: Practice Regularly