Autumn Equinox

A collective, 6-month forecast reading for the Autumn Equinox / Mabon:

October: Knight of Wands (rev) + Spook

Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your creative ideas. Limiting beliefs and worrying about criticism may extinguish the creative spark.

November: The Tower + Fall

Prepare for a massive, all consuming transformation. Take charge of the situation before it takes charge of you.

December: Six of Wands (rev) + Remember

We may still feel like we're on uncertain ground. Draw on your ancestors and guides and look back at past successes to gain courage and inspiration.

January: The Moon (rev) + Prepare

Don’t get so caught up in dreams and visions that you ignore the reality right in front of you. Feel free to innovate while still honoring the basic recipe for success.

February: Wheel of Fortune (rev) + Spice

Expect the unexpected. The cycle of life has some surprises in store that will spice up our routines.

March: King of Pentacles (rev) + Store

We may feel like our reserves are running dry. It may be time to reimagine our support structures and reconsider our resource management.

Decks: The Wild Life Tarot and The Autumn Vibes Oracle


Talking Heads Acrostics #1-3


Weekly Divination: 9/18/23