Weekly Divination: 9/18/23

Collective reading for the week of 9/18.

This week we go down the rabbit hole with the Wild Life Tarot deck and Where Alice Went oracle.

Embrace: Four of Wands + Fall

This week, celebrate unexpected success. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and the result is actually better than you could have imagined. As Mercury stations direct and our thoughts and communication clarify, we may discover that we have landed in a wonderful new place, surrounded by unexpected delights. Do not be so tied to what should be that you fail to recognize what is right in front of you.

Release: The Hermit (rev) + Sit

We emerge from a period of self-reflection and are asked to sit with what has been revealed to use over the past weeks. What new information has come to light during this retrograde period? What projects have grown stale and need to be abandoned? What ideas have bubbled to the surface, exciting us into action? Spend some time this week organizing your inner world, cataloging your inspiring ideas and making a plan for execution.

Advice from Spirit: The Chariot + Run

There is a feeling of strong forward motion this week, and we are excited to get out there and take advantage of all the misty mornings and changing leaves that early fall has to offer. As we embark on new adventures, we are reminded to keep one hand on the reins even while we sip our pumpkin spice latte. Embrace the spirit of transformation, but do not let it overwhelm you into acting out of alignment with your true self. Take it one step at a time — the season is long and there is plenty of time for slow celebration.


Autumn Equinox


New Moon in Virgo 2023