Divination Week of 9/11/23

Collective reading for the week of 9/11.

This week brings us a blast of Mercury driven energy in the form of all Swords from the Wild Life Tarot deck, complimented by the Astro-Elemental Oracle.

Embrace: Ace of Swords + Support

This week brings us new ideas about how to support ourselves and others. We may also have a fresh perspective on past actions, allowing us to think differently about old patterns of belief and behavior that may have resulted in less than favorable outcomes. We are determined no to make the same mistakes twice. Instead of trying to go it alone, we have realized that some forms of healing must be done in partnership or community. There is a greater recognition that, in order to be our best and most authentic selves, we may need to accept any assistance that is being offered to us. At the same time, we must look to where we can extend a helping hand to others.

Release: Knight of Swords + Soothe

These cards are a contradiction of sorts — a message to act assertively in order to feel more calm and confident. There is an area where we may need to take charge in order to get our own needs met. Perhaps something has been heavy on our minds, and instead of perseverating on possible outcomes, we are advised to take some action toward resolution, however small or uncertain that may be. We are advised to stop considering possible outcomes, which may be causing a general sense of unease, and take some sort of movement forward based on the information available to us at this time. With Mercury stationing direct at the end of this week, we are headed for a time of increased positive momentum in our words and actions. After the 14th, we may gain clarity about the best course of action.

Advice from Spirit: Six of Swords + Endure

The past month or so seems to have been a rough time for the collective, with many folks reporting general uncertainty or disruption as many planets complete retrograde periods in their orbit. We are reminded of the yin and yang in life — there is a time for forward movement, and there is a time for rest and recuperation. If our plans have seemed to derail or energy flagged to a slow crawl, it may be a universal reminder that we can only control so much. Accept the conditions you find yourself in, and do not try too hard to swim upstream when the current is pushing you downriver. Use your energy and resources wisely. Wait, if necessary, for a more opportune time to engage in your master plan.


New Moon in Virgo 2023


Divination week of 9/4/23