Divination week of 9/4/23

Collective reading for the week of 9/4.

This week I am welcoming autumn energy and combining the Wild Life Tarot with my Autumn Vibes Oracle.

Embrace: Three of Swords + Sweeten

Here we have a similar message as we received during the Leo New Moon and is I think one of the lessons of the recent Venus retrograde. Heartbreak, while difficult to endure, often has a silver lining. Pain, sorrow, and grief are a necessary part of life. Without the contrast of these challenging emotions, the sweetness of joy, harmony, and love would not be as sweet. We are meant to recognize, and value, the importance of all emotions as part of the human experience.

Release: Justice + Family

Sometimes life just isn’t fair. Sometimes, we must give up some level of comfort for the good of all involved. Remember that compromise is an important part of being in community. It is not always necessary to get something in return in order to extend our generosity to those in need. By being kind and compassionate now, we set ourselves up with a network of support that will likewise be there to assist us when we may have nothing left to give. Release the expectation that things will always be in perfect harmony, and recognize that at some point the scales will tip in the opposite direction.

Advice from Spirit: Ten of Cups (rev) + Moonlight

Even in the darkest times, we can look toward the light to soothe our anxious souls. The seasons are changing, reminding us that nothing is permanent and evoking both grief at what is done as well as excitement about what is to come. This combination can also generate anxiety and uncertainty as we move from summer to fall. Find solace in the cyclical nature of all things, and remember that just as the moon disappears each month, plunging us into the darkest night, she must also grow to full luminescence once again. What seems uncertain now will someday become clear, just as the cycles of the moon wax and wane throughout the year.


Divination Week of 9/11/23


Full Moon in Pisces 2023