Divination: Week of 8/21/23

Collective reading for the week of 8/21/23

This week I’m using the Wild Life Tarot and channeling the gothic spirit with the Nevermore Oracle deck.

Embrace: Strength + “Believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see”

Having courage in your convictions and staying true to your authentic self will help you avoid falling prey to scams, lies, deceit, and “alternative truths” as Mercury begins its retrograde period this week. If things seem too good to be true, they probably are. Pay attention to that little voice of doubt, as your intuition may be warning you that mischief is afoot.

Release: Eight of Wands (rev) + “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary”

Avoid going off in new directions and spreading your energy and attention too thin this week. Let go of the expectation that you can be all things to all people — including yourself. This does not mean that you don’t have many good ideas, all of which may be backed up with equally good intentions. The message is to try and focus on one task, one project, and one person at a time in order to keep your ducks in a row. Otherwise, you run the risk of depleting your precious resources of time, energy, and patience.

Advice from Spirit: Seven of Cups (rev) + “All I loved, I loved alone”

This is a refrain of the message to trust your own intuition, taking actions and making decisions that are aligned with your personal beliefs. The sun enters Virgo this week, we are reminded to ground our energy, mind our thoughts and words, and face life with honesty and integrity. There may be many messages coming your way, many opportunities, and many dreams you hope to fulfill. But not everything will happen all at once, or in the manner or means that you expect or anticipate. The way forward is by following the truth in your own heart, trusting that you will not lead yourself astray.


Collage for Virgo Season


New Moon in Leo 2023