New Moon in Scorpio

Collective reading for the New Moon in Scorpio 2023. For this month’s reading I used the Wild Life Tarot and the Where Alice Went Oracle.

What have I learned since the last new moon?

The Lovers + Find

This past moon cycle has revealed tools, habits, and beliefs that will help us have healthy partnerships. Since our last new moon was a lunar eclipse, we may feel as though there has been a cosmic shift in how we relate to others. Long dormant truths may have risen to the surface. Some of these realizations may have been difficult, but understanding them is ultimately for the greater good of both you and those you are in relationship with. We have a clearer idea of what we need to do to maintain both boundaries and connections moving forward.

What is ready to be released?

Eight of Pentacles + Sleep

It’s time to stop practicing and get ready for the big game. Don’t let perfectionism get in the way of getting things done. We all suffer from imposter syndrome sometimes, or feel like we aren’t good enough or ready for what challenges lie ahead. But we will never know unless we try, and standing on the sidelines only gives us a view of the action, not the experience of the real thing. This moon cycle demands we take action on our dreams and desires in order to bring them closer to actualization.

What seeds are ready to be planted?

The Moon (rev) + Know

This is a good time to work on developing our intuition. The world is full of other peoples’ opinions, and sometimes they are so loud that they drown out our inner truth. This is especially true in times of crisis or conflict, when the stakes seem especially high for right action. While it is always a good idea to listen to the voices of others, particularly those that have traditionally been marginalized or hidden, it is also important to trust inner knowing and intuition. If what you are being told, or what you are being asked to do, seems off to you it is OK to ask questions, to gather more information, and to wait to act until you feel you are moving forward in alignment with your personal beliefs and values.

What secret desire may be revealed?

Nine of Swords (rev) + Begin

We may be holding back on expressing a new idea or concept for fear of how it will be received. Will we be laughed at, ridiculed, or canceled? Will we anger someone by suggesting a change to the status quo? This moon suggests that these fears, while valid, should not be the main reason we do not move forward with our ideas and inspirations. This moon is planting the seeds of confidence in ourselves and our individual experience of the world. If we can’t get anyone on board with our ideas, we may consider going it alone. Just because other people do not share the same vision does not mean it has no value. It may just be ahead of its time.

How can I manage my intense emotions?

Four of Cups (rev) + Taste

Again, this cycle seems to ask us to check with our internal alignment when faced with a choice or opportunity. We must rely on our personal opinion, our experience, and our taste in order to make good decisions. When we feel anger, jealousy, or extreme sadness rise up these are not necessarily emotions to the repressed or denied. Instead, let them be clues that guide us to people and circumstances that align with our inner desires. We do not all have to be doing things the same way to make a difference in this world. In fact, if we are asked to abandon our inner voice to conform with the status quo, we may be robbing the world of a new development or innovation that can create significant and visionary change.

What lies ahead for me this month?

Ace of Swords (rev) + Try

Our first attempts at communication may fall flat this month. We may not get it right on the first try. Our ideas may come too fast, be jumbled, or make no sense when we try to convey them to others. We must persevere. We must take a step back and reframe the concept in a new way. We must continue to share our inner vision, our personal experience, and our unique ideas with the world. Hidden voices have remained in the margins for too long. Fear of conflict may be robbing us of open and honest discourse, an experience that is necessary for us to grow as a community and as humans. Do not be afraid of misunderstanding. Instead, use it as an opportunity to clarify the message in the burning flame of truth that lies in every heart.

Try the spread with your own Tarot or oracle deck!


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