Divination: Week of 8/28

This week I am harnessing the retrograde energy and complimenting the Wild Life Tarot with my Animal Action Oracle.

Embrace: Seven of Pentacles (rev) + Upset

Despite your hard work and perseverance, you may not get the results you desire. There are larger forces at play here, and the universe has its own agenda. Try to take a step back and reevaluate your definition of success — can you give yourself credit for what has gone well, despite setbacks and disappointment? Being able to adjust your expectations and course correct is, in itself, a superb achievement.

Release: Four of Wands + Deceive

Don’t pretend to be something you’re not just to gain status or the approval of others. Advancing for the sake of ambition, without the complement of authenticity, will eventually catch up with you and leave you feeling empty and disassociated from your true self. The demands of pretending to be something you are not cannot be sustained over the long term. It may be worth giving up some measures of success to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Advice from Spirit: Ace of Pentacles + Irritate

Things may not be moving as quickly as you may like during this period of planetary retrograde. The universe is asking you to slow down, to look twice, to check again. Moving too fast may result in the sting of disappointment or, worse, catastrophic failure. This is not an auspicious time for new beginnings. Instead, direct your energy toward damage control and take stock of what you have learned. Be ready to implement necessary changes when the forward momentum resumes.


Full Moon in Pisces 2023


Collage for Virgo Season