Full Moon in Pisces 2023

Collective reading for the full moon in Pisces, August 2023. For this reading I used the Wild Life Tarot with my Cats in the Garden Oracle, with prompts from the Writual Planner.

Where am I right now? Strength + Sympathize

It is an advantage right now to be able to see both sides of the situation.Try to give all parties the benefit of the doubt, and see how folks are doing their best even if it falls short of established expectations. Strength is as much about balance as it is about force and fortitude. One must know both when to be tough and when to be gentle. Compromise may not be an option, but we can still extend compassion in challenging times.

What is influencing me? The World (rev) + Act

With multiple planets in a retrograde phase right now, many aspects of daily life may seem upside down and in disarray. We are at a turning point in not only the cycle of the moon but in other cycles of life as well. The line from here to there is not a straight one, and as much as we desire to have a direct cause and result relationship to our plans, our actions may instead have an unlikely or surprising outcome. This is frustrating to the degree that we are rigid in our expectations. Try to go with the flow and approach things with an attitude of curiosity. What if things turn out better than you expected? There is possibility in every unexpected turn.

What have I created since the new moon? The Hanged Man (rev) + Intensify

An extended period of pause and reflection, brought on by retrograde energy, may have generated both a clarity of vision and purpose as well as a burning desire to move forward and get started. The universe, however, seems to have other plans. The period of waiting persists. We are bound by other obligations, lack of resources, or auspicious circumstances. Assuage your anxiety with the reminder that all things are temporary and there will be a time in the near future when things begin to move forward once again.

What no longer serves me? Knight of Cups + Relax

Anxiety, stress, and hiding your emotions to meet the needs of others are a few of the things that you may need to release under this full moon. With the nodal axis on Libra-Aries, our collective focus is on the balance between “I and we”. There is a tension between our own needs and the desire to belong to a larger collective. This moon reminds us that we are only meant to be part of groups and partnerships that accept us for who we truly are. If you are performing in order to fit in, it may be time to seek more accepting associations.

How can I release this energy? The Magician (rev) + Discern

Not all of the tools you possess are currently at your disposal. Some strategies and skills that may have served you in the past have been outgrown or are otherwise out of commission. You must be strategic in your approach. This Pisces full moon is driven by the delusion of dreams. What is real, and what is an illusion? Be sure to choose the right tool for the job, the right spell for the situation, and the right mindset to avoid falling victim to unfulfilled fantasy.

What can I learn during this cycle? Ace of Cups + Adore

Our lessons in this next moon cycle are directed toward self love. We are invited to fill our own cups, to take stock of our needs, and to deepen our respect and understanding for what makes us uniquely ourselves. New opportunities are on the horizon that will allow us to be more deeply authentic than ever before. Now is the time to recognize and honor our individuality, and by doing so we become a more substantial force and willing participant in collective endeavors that suit our place in this world.


Divination week of 9/4/23


Divination: Week of 8/28